Sustainability and ESG

The changing sustainability landscape

Sustainability for even the busiest finance office


Finance leaders are increasingly expected to integrate sustainability comprehensively into their company’s finance strategy, often without the knowledge, support and training to do so effectively. 

We are uniquely positioned to support CFOs in taking a holistic approach to sustainability across finance, technology, sustainability and risk. 


Empowering you to thrive responsibly by embedding ESG (environmental and social governance) at the heart of your strategy


Experts in the field supporting you to align your financial goals with sustainable practices, ensuring profitability goes hand-in-hand with environmental and social stewardship


Access to best-in-class technologies, selected for your business needs and embedded into your journey roadmap that allow you to amplify your sustainability impact and drive efficiency, reliability and transparency across your ESG initiatives 


Our risk management support integrates sustainability insights to mitigate potential threats and capitalise on opportunities in a changing global economy. 

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What's on the sustainability horizon?

External pressures are reshaping the sustainability landscape, changing the expectations placed on organisations to operate in a more sustainable way.  But finance leaders who adapt early are already benefitting from the increased innovation and value that sustainable practices create within their organisation. 

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Increasing levels of regulation

The CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) is an EU directive which was implemented in 2023, but due to its graduated approach will only begin to affect many organisations as we head into 2025 and beyond. 

The CSRD includes double materiality as a mandatory part of compliance – meaning organisations will need to assess the most material risks to their organisation before compiling their reporting data.  

Are you confident in your knowledge of the CSRD to enable organisational compliance?

We offer comprehensive CSRD workshops to furnish you with the knowledge and confidence to comply with the upcoming regulations.

See upcoming CSRD courses

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Increasing investor pressure 

83% of investors incorporate sustainability information in their investment decisions – and considering that double materiality assessments will be more readily available as the regulations come into force, it’s likely that this number will only increase.  

Many investors now also practice ethical investing and will only invest in organisations which demonstrably operate ethically and sustainably.  

Only 14% of companies say they know how they will manage their CSRD reporting – are you one of them? If not, get in touch to see how we can support you in your compliance journey. 

Get support with compliance today

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Shifting customer perceptions

No matter your audience, be that B2C or B2B, one thing is clear: sustainability is important to your customers. The invent of accreditations such as B Corp status allow you to prove a particular level of ethical standard and customers will actively look for this when selecting who to purchase from. 

For B2B organisations, your client companies are increasingly looking for more sustainable partners to work with. In ensuring your compliance with the regulations and providing excellent reporting, you’ll differentiate your business from other competitors and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability. 

Get started with sustainability now

"I found the team at VantagePoint very professional, easy to talk to, easy to get on with, available and very good at giving you updates." 

Robert Hart

VP Group Finance

"Cutting the time for this process by 13 days had the knock on effect of decreasing our team’s overtime in July from 33 days last year to five days this year"

Karin Booysen

Financial Accounting Specialist

View our case studies



Learn how Aferian plc unified their people, systems, and processes.

View case study


Discover how Accelerant became a technology led InsurTech unicorn.

View case study

Not sure where to start? 

Or you can simply call us on 

UK: +44 207  7888  209
USA: +1 917 672 0145